weekly news #2: solving cancer?

This article piqued my interest as I was scrolling through The Independent's website. Whether on paper or online, The Independent have always prided themselves on being, well, completely politically independent (clue's in the name). The reporter, Andrew Griffin, a self-dubbed 'tech newsperson', reflects the news corporation's unbiased views by simply giving us an informative piece without any trace of personal opinion.

Microsoft have claimed that within 10 years they will find the secret to 'solving' cancer by treating it like a computer virus. The company have already developed a 'biological computation' unit which aims to make cells into programmable computers which can be adapted to solve medical problems such as cancer. They also say that while the vast amount of published research on cancer treatment would take a doctor years to read up on, computers could solve the problem by searching through digital copies to find the relevant information in a matter of minutes.

The digital world is evolving ever-quicker as time goes on. From watches that can track your location and send texts to self-driving cars, companies all over the world are cashing in with technological advances. Although much research has been done into the treatment and potential cures for cancer, our current methods of treating the disease are relatively primitive compared to Microsoft's proposed innovations. As much as I am terrified of a world run entirely on technology (implantable tech is my greatest fear), digital advances into the treatment of such devastating diseases that have plagued people since the dawn of time will prove invaluable if they can be achieved.

Caena Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Really nice how you have incorperated your opinion in with the article. Perhaps you could give more detail of the article its self.
