weekly news #6: ufo expert found dead

Let me preface this by telling you that I believe in aliens. Not the little green men up in the sky flying around in their high-tech spacecraft, but there is far too much scientific evidence, and just as much unexplained, about conditions in the universe (there's planets in our solar system that rain diamonds) for there not to be at least one other planet in existence which has the optimum conditions for sustaining life. However, I'm not a conspiracy theorist - I don't believe that global warming is a hoax or that HIV was created by the CIA to wipe out homosexuals (honestly, look it up). 

Max Spiers, the man found dead on his sofa after claiming that 'satanists wanted to rid him of his demons', certainly was a conspiracy theorist. The self-professed 'UFO expert' died days after an interview in Poland, in which his mother claims his speech sounds slurred.

This article, from the Daily Express, gives details from an interview with Spiers' mother. She is treating her son's death as 'suspicious' due to authorities refusing to carry out an autopsy even after he was found having vomited a 'mysterious black liquid' with no medical explanation. Spiers, who worked for the conspiracy theory group Bases Project, had a multitude of online followers, and they are reportedly convinced that Spiers was killed by the government for 'getting too close to the truth' (presumably inferring that the authorities are withholding important information from the public).

The initial title of this article seemed utterly ridiculous, which was why I chose to write about it - conspiracies in general are, in my opinion, theories formed from fragments of information by people with delusional views and far too much time on their hands. However, reading through the article, the information stated seems to suggest that Spiers' mother and online followers have come up with a fairly reasonable explanation for his death given the circumstances surrounding it. Unfortunately it is impossible to tell how true the information in this article is, as all media is constructed and reporters in newspapers often try to omit information in order to make the story seem as interesting to readers as possible.

Caena Lewis

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